Institution name: Uganda Technology And Management University
Uganda Technology And Management University
All Activities
Friday-Week 1-(10th Jan), Week 2-(17th Jan), Week 3-(24th Jan) & Week 7-(21st Feb), Week 8-(28th Feb), Week 9-(7th March) Saturday-Week 1-(11th Jan), Week 2-(18th Jan), Week 3-(25th Jan) & Week 7(22nd Feb), Week 8-(1st March), Week 9-(8th March) Sunday-Week 1-(12th Jan), Week 2-(19th Jan), Week 3-(26th Jan) & Week 7-(23rd Feb), Week 8-(2nd March), Week 9-(9th March)
09:00 - 12:00 ---
MIT-(Y2-S1), MIS-(Y2-S1)MSc.Comp-Comp Security-(Y2-S1)All Groups(Business School and School of Humanities and Social Sciences)-2-SEM-1MSc.Comp-IS-(Y2-S1), MSc.Comp-IT-(Y2-S1)
IT 601 Multimedia & Emerging TechnologiesCNW 8100 Security of NetworksBBA 8100 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENTCIS 8101 Interactive Technologies
Dr. Ahamya WilliamDr. Stuart SsemujjuMersian TulyahebwaAss. Prof. Jehopio Peter
Lecture Room FourLecture Room Three
MIS-(Y2-S1), MIT-(Y2-S1)All Groups(Business School and School of Humanities and Social Sciences)-2-SEM-1PGD-SEM-3
IS 600 Geographic Information Systems & Remote SensingRMS 8100 Research Methodology SeminarsHPM 7100 Project Management Theory & Practice
Ass. Prof. Jehopio Peter Dr. Wilfred Kokas AupalProf JWF Muwanga Zake
Lecture Room TwoLecture Room Four
12:00 - 15:00 ---
MIT-(Y2-S1)MSc.Comp-Comp Networks-(Y2-S1)MIS-(Y2-S1)
CIT 8100: Corporate Network ManagementCNW 8102 Wireless NetworkingIT 605 Enterprise Architecture
Mary MbabaziDr. Stuart SsemujjuAss. Prof. Jehopio Peter
All Groups(Business School and School of Humanities and Social Sciences)-2-SEM-1, MIT-(Y2-S1), MIS-(Y2-S1)
HME 8100 Consultancy Skills Development
Dr Okwadi Joseph Micheal Tukei
Lecture Room Six
15:00 - 18:00 ---
MSc.Comp-Comp Security-(Y2-S1), MIS-(Y2-S1), MSc.Comp-Comp Networks-(Y2-S1), MSc.Comp-IT-(Y2-S1), MSc.Comp-IS-(Y2-S1)All Groups(Business School and School of Humanities and Social Sciences)-2-SEM-1
TM 602 Legal & Ethical Issues-SCESLE 8102 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES-BS & SHSS
Dr. Ayoo PhilipDr. Erasma Rutechura
Lecture Room FourLecture Room Five
MIT-(Y2-S1), MIS-(Y2-S1)
TM 600 Research Methodology Seminars - SCE
Dr. Fred Paul Mark Jjunju
Lecture Room Four
Timetable generated with FET 6.0.2 on 12/17/24 9:20 PM