Data Privacy Analysis on E-commerce Application

  • Ahamya William Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)
  • Dr. Drake Patrick Mirembe (PhD) Makerere University
  • Dr. Evarist Nabaasa (PhD) Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)
Keywords: privacy, confidentiality, consent, trust, cyber security, embedded systems


This study explored how secured user’s data are when online or using e-commerce applications Uganda. It highlights the issues around protecting information of clients and related data sent using the e-commerce applications. The key objective of this paper was to establish to extent to which privacy of users are infringed while online or using ecommerce applications with major interest in privacy, confidentiality and consent.


The study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The study used both primary and secondary data. The target population included staff of Jumia Uganda, Safe Boda and Jiji Uganda, and their /customers clients, all equivalent to 66 respondents, and these were selected basing on Morgan and Krejcie (1970) table. Purposive and simple random sampling was used in selection of respondents. Questionnaires and documentary checklist were used in data collection. Data was majorly analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.


The study findings show that electronic commerce has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity in many areas and, therefore, has received significant attention in many countries.

The study pointed out that the users of e-commerce applications and other online sites are always not comfortable with the sites either tracking them or gathering information about them and using it for future online advertisements or other purposes without their consent. The public is worried and more concerned about the safety and privacy of their information, in fear of their privacy when their information is shared with others without their consent.

The study noted that consumers’ attitude, level of trust, lack of knowledge, awareness and experience; education level, lack of confidence and language barriers, age of consumer to be the major factors influencing privacy concerns from consumers’ perspectives.

The study concluded that the emergence of e-commerce has brought about many benefits to a country’s economy and individuals, but the openness of the Internet has given rise misuse of personal data. There is mushrooming companies using e-commerce apps, there is increasing lack of privacy, trust and confidentiality among customers. There is rising privacy and security concerns since people’s private data is linked to the public and security without their consent.

The study recommended that more legislation needs to be enacted to ensure privacy. Therefore, concentrating on solving privacy issues mean solving most of the other e-commerce barriers. This is because privacy as a human right means that all national and international, public and private sectors, must respect this right and fulfill all requirements to protect this right from invasion. This requires governments and businesses to fulfil these requirements which make individuals more willing and trusting to provide their personal information online.

How to Cite
William, A., Mirembe (PhD), D. D. P., & Nabaasa (PhD), D. E. (2022). Data Privacy Analysis on E-commerce Application. International Journal of Technology and Management, 7(2), 1-29. Retrieved from