Effect of Monitoring and Evaluation Processes on Student Course Completion in Universities

  • Barbara N. Kayondo University of Kisubi
  • Martha Kibukamusoke Cavendish University Uganda
Keywords: Monitoring and evaluation processes, course completion


This paper investigated the relationship between Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) processes and the student course completion at Makerere University Business School. The reduction in the completion rate among post graduate students triggered the study. The study aimed at; examining the extent to which M&E Planning processes affect student course completion in universities; examining the extent to which M&E implementing processes affect student course completion in universities and examining the extent to which the M&E information disseminating processes affect student course completion in universities. The paper explains what was carried out at MUBS focusing on the post graduate School. A mixed research approach for information dissemination was low in providing feedback to students. M&E Planning processes were ranked highly with a mean of 4.03 as having the greatest impact on student course completion. All the statements were agreed to with means in the range of 3.82 to 4.39. Implementing processes were noted as having the least impact on student course completion. M&E information disseminating processes had a mean of 3.30. M&E planning is an important aspect towards student course completion in Higher Institutions of learning. Its Implementation process encompassed with information dissemination; based on a good plan leads to better results

How to Cite
N. Kayondo, B., & Kibukamusoke , M. (2024). Effect of Monitoring and Evaluation Processes on Student Course Completion in Universities. International Journal of Technology and Management, 5(1), 15. Retrieved from https://utamu.ac.ug/ijotm/index.php/ijotm/article/view/57