Dr. Baguma Rehema

Dr. Baguma Rehema


Dr. Baguma is a researcher in human computer/mobile interactions, Web usability, ICT accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), e-services in particular e-governance and e-learning and ICT4D in general. She has extensive experience in; teaching and research as well as higher education management.

  1. Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age. T Janowski, E Estevez, Baguma Rehema. Government Information Quarterly 35 (4), S1-S16
  2. A web design framework for improved accessibility for people with disabilities (WDFAD). Baguma Rehema, JT Lubega. Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web ...
  3. Cultural issues and their relevance in designing usable websites. AO Daniel, A Oludele, Baguma Rehema, T Weide.
  4. Using WhatsApp in Teaching to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills-a Literature Review Using the Activity Theory Lens. Baguma Rehema, E Bagarukayo, P Namubiru, C Brown, T Mayisela. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and …
  5. Web Accessibility in Uganda: A study of Webmaster perceptions. Baguma Rehema, T Wanyama, PV Bommel, P Ogao. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computing & ICT …
  6. Integrating accessibility and functional requirements. Baguma Rehema, RG Stone, JT Lubega, TP Weide. International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction …
  7. Factors for success and failure of e-government projects: the case of e-government projects in Uganda. Baguma Rehema, J Lubega. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
  8. Usability and utility needs of mobile applications for business management among MSEs: A case of Myshop in Uganda. Baguma Rehema, M Myllyluoma, N Mwakaba, B Nakajubi. IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 764-773
  9. Web design requirements for improved web accessibility for the blind. Baguma Rehema, JT Lubega. International Conference on Hybrid Learning and Education, 392-403
  10. Designing reality fit m-voting. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
  11. Affordable e-governance using free and open source software. Baguma Rehema. Measuring Computing Research Excellence and Vitality, 199
  12. Towards digital anti-corruption typology for public service delivery. F Mutungi, Baguma Rehema, T Janowski, D University Krems, Austria Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Digital …
  13. A framework for filtering web accessibility guidelines. Baguma Rehema, RG Stone, JT Lugega, TP van der Weide. Proceedings of the 2009 international Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web …
  14. Blended-learning approaches and the teaching of monitoring and evaluation programmes in African universities: Unmasking the UTAMU approach. BC Basheka, JT Lubega, Baguma Rehema. African Consortium of Public Administration
  15. Usability evaluation of the etax portal for uganda. Baguma Rehema. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
  16. Using mobile phones in elections in developing countries: Opportunities and challenges. Baguma Rehema, E Eilu. Computing in Research and Development in Africa, 251-265
  17. M-voting in developing countries: Findings from Uganda. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema, JS Pettersson. Commonwealth Governance Handbook 15, 25-28
  18. Persuasion and Acceptance of Mobile Phones as a Voting Tool in Developing Countries. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema, JS Pettersson. 4th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication for Development …
  19. Enhancing Student Interactions in Online Learning: A Case of Using YouTube in a Distance Learning Module in a Higher Education Institution in Uganda. PN Ssentamu, D Ng’ambi, E Bagarukayo, Baguma Rehema, HM Nabushawo, ... High Educ Res
  20. Accessible web design through web accessibility guidelines. Baguma Rehema

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