Dr. Baguma Rehema
Dr. Baguma is a researcher in human computer/mobile interactions, Web usability, ICT accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), e-services in particular e-governance and e-learning and ICT4D in general. She has extensive experience in; teaching and research as well as higher education management.
- Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age. T Janowski, E Estevez, Baguma Rehema. Government Information Quarterly 35 (4), S1-S16
- A web design framework for improved accessibility for people with disabilities (WDFAD). Baguma Rehema, JT Lubega. Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web ...
- Cultural issues and their relevance in designing usable websites. AO Daniel, A Oludele, Baguma Rehema, T Weide.
- Using WhatsApp in Teaching to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills-a Literature Review Using the Activity Theory Lens. Baguma Rehema, E Bagarukayo, P Namubiru, C Brown, T Mayisela. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and …
- Web Accessibility in Uganda: A study of Webmaster perceptions. Baguma Rehema, T Wanyama, PV Bommel, P Ogao. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computing & ICT …
- Integrating accessibility and functional requirements. Baguma Rehema, RG Stone, JT Lubega, TP Weide. International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction …
- Factors for success and failure of e-government projects: the case of e-government projects in Uganda. Baguma Rehema, J Lubega. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
- Usability and utility needs of mobile applications for business management among MSEs: A case of Myshop in Uganda. Baguma Rehema, M Myllyluoma, N Mwakaba, B Nakajubi. IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 764-773
- Web design requirements for improved web accessibility for the blind. Baguma Rehema, JT Lubega. International Conference on Hybrid Learning and Education, 392-403
- Designing reality fit m-voting. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
- Affordable e-governance using free and open source software. Baguma Rehema. Measuring Computing Research Excellence and Vitality, 199
- Towards digital anti-corruption typology for public service delivery. F Mutungi, Baguma Rehema, T Janowski, D University Krems, Austria Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Digital …
- A framework for filtering web accessibility guidelines. Baguma Rehema, RG Stone, JT Lugega, TP van der Weide. Proceedings of the 2009 international Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web …
- Blended-learning approaches and the teaching of monitoring and evaluation programmes in African universities: Unmasking the UTAMU approach. BC Basheka, JT Lubega, Baguma Rehema. African Consortium of Public Administration
- Usability evaluation of the etax portal for uganda. Baguma Rehema. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …
- Using mobile phones in elections in developing countries: Opportunities and challenges. Baguma Rehema, E Eilu. Computing in Research and Development in Africa, 251-265
- M-voting in developing countries: Findings from Uganda. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema, JS Pettersson. Commonwealth Governance Handbook 15, 25-28
- Persuasion and Acceptance of Mobile Phones as a Voting Tool in Developing Countries. E Eilu, Baguma Rehema, JS Pettersson. 4th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication for Development …
- Enhancing Student Interactions in Online Learning: A Case of Using YouTube in a Distance Learning Module in a Higher Education Institution in Uganda. PN Ssentamu, D Ng’ambi, E Bagarukayo, Baguma Rehema, HM Nabushawo, ... High Educ Res
- Accessible web design through web accessibility guidelines. Baguma Rehema
Email: rbaguma@utamu.ac.ug
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