The University Council shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. The University Council shall be responsible for policy formulation as well as direct the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University.
Functions of the University Council
- Be responsible for the direction of the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University;
- Implement decisions of the Board of Directors on the affairs of the University;
- Prepare Statutes and recommend them to the Board of Directors for Approval;
- Formulate the general policies (including academic policies) of the University;
- Approve all policy documents of the university in accordance with the Statutes of the University and always notify the Board of Directors;
- Determine the requirements (including academic qualifications and experience) for the various academic, administrative and support/ technical staff positions in the University except where provided otherwise under this manual;
- Appoint academic, administrative and support/ technical staff of the University except where provided otherwise;
- Submit the Annual Report and quarterly University reports (including quarterly financial reports) to the Board of Directors;
- Submit quarterly reports on all (money) accounts of the University to the Board of Directors;
- Consider periodic University Senate reports on the academic affairs of the University;
- Consider the Report from the Vice Chancellor on the affairs of the University; and
- Undertake any other functions/ duties as delegated in writing by the board of directors.
Powers of the University Council
- Approve the establishment of academic programmes and courses of study and recommend them to the National Council for Higher Education for accreditation;
- Provide for the welfare and discipline of staff and students;
- Keep custody of and manage all the (money) accounts of the University;
- Jointly control with the Board of Directors all the collection accounts of the University;
- Receive gifts, donations, grants or other moneys and make disbursements as may be required in accordance with the statutes and policies of the University;
- To cause proper books of account to be kept with respect to— (1) all sums of money received and expended by UTAMU and the matters in respect of which the receipt and expenditure takes place, (2) all sales and purchases of goods by UTAMU, and the assets and liabilities of UTAMU;
- Award honorary degrees on the recommendation of a joint honorary awards committee comprised of three members of university senate and 2 members of university council whose chairperson shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from among its members;
- To recommend to the Board of Directors three (3) suitable candidates for the position of Vice Chancellor;
- To recommend to the Board of Directors two (2) suitable candidates for the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor;
- Recommend to the board of directors the scales of fees and boarding charges for approval;
- Recommend to the board of directors the establishment of schools, directorates, and departments for approval; and
- Exercise any other powers as delegated in writing by the board of directors.
Membership of the University Council
Neither a Member of the Board of Directors of UTAMU Ltd nor a shareholder of UTAMU Ltd shall be a member of the University Council. The University Council shall comprise of eleven (11) members and the following shall constitute the UTAMU Council:
- Nine (9) members elected by the Board of Directors from the Public who are both non-students and non-employees of UTAMU from different disciplines including (i) business and management; (ii) natural and applied sciences; (iii) technology, computing and engineering; (iv) and law, social sciences and humanities;
- A Representative of the University Senate who is not a member of the University Management, elected by the University Senate;
- A Representative of the University Staff who is neither a member of University Senate nor University Management elected by the staff;
- The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the University Council shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from among the members of the University Council;
- The Vice-Chancellor of UTAMU and the Guild President of UTAMU Students Guild shall be Ex-Officio Members of the University Council;
- The University Secretary shall be the Secretary to the University Council.
Standing Committees of the University Council
Appointments Committee
- To be responsible to the University Council for the appointment, promotion, removal from service and discipline of all officers and staff of the academic, administrative and support/ technical service of the University, as may be determined by the University Council except where provided otherwise under this manual;
- To make recommendations to Council concerning Terms and conditions of Service or application for variation of Terms and conditions for special leave, study leave or training leave;
- To adjudicate any dispute concerning Terms and Conditions of service or application for variation of Terms and Conditions of service for special leave, study leave or training leave;
- To liaise with the School Staff Development Committees and co-ordinate the Staff Development programmes of the University;
- To be responsible to the University Council for staff affairs in the University; and
- To perform any other duties assigned by the University Council.
Finance, Administration and General-Purpose Committee
- To consider a salary structure for academic, administrative and support/ technical staff of the University and make recommendations to the University Council;
- To conduct a periodic review of establishments considering all recommendations for changes in staff establishments and to make recommendations thereof to the University Council;
- To receive the proposed budget estimates from the University Management and make recommendation to the University Council;
- To control the banking and investment operations of UTAMU and to make provision for the examination of all the bills and accounts and for the discharge of liabilities incurred by the University;
- To control all the expenditure of the University under approved Annual Estimates;
- To receive and consider all requests for authorization of expenditure more than the approved Annual Estimates and make recommendations to the University Council;
- To receive proposed University Development plans from the University Management for an approved period and make recommendations to the University Council;
- To keep under review approved development programmes and to ascertain that the objectives of the University are being achieved and to make recommendations thereof to the University Council;
- To prepare and keep up to date an accurate comprehensive inventory of University property;
- To consider and propose tuition fees and other student fees to the University Council;
- To be responsible to the University Council for student affairs in the University;
- To report to the University Council all matters related to finance, planning, investment, development, establishment and administration; and
- To exercise such powers as the University Council may from time to time delegate to it.
Audit and Risk Committee
- To monitor and review the systems (internal control) in place used to safeguard University assets and to verify the existence of such assets as and when necessary;
- To monitor and review the internal audit programme and its effectiveness;
- To consider both external and internal audit investigations and recommendations thereof as well as Management’s responses at university and unit level;
- To receive and consider reports in conformity with financial laws and policies and operational procedures laid down in any legislation and good accounting practice;
- To discuss with the External Auditors issues such as compliance with accounting standards and proposals by the External Auditors regarding the internal audit process;
- To evolve any other relevant policies to strengthen the internal control systems of the University;
- To receive quarterly reports on the financial operations of the University and recommend solutions, set standards/ guidelines in relations there to the University Council;
- Consider and/ or review the risk management framework for UTAMU and make recommendations to the University Council; and
- To exercise such powers as the University Council may from time to time delegate to it.