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Apply now to start your successful career.

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Personal Details
Do you have a disability?
Date of Birth
Alternative Contact Details
Choice of Programme
Have you previously been enrolled at UTAMU?
Preferred Mode of Study
Education Background
Academic Documents

NOTE: Certified copies of academic transcript, copies of both ‘0’ level and ‘A’ level result slips/Certificates, valid identification (driving permit, passport, current employer ID card or ID card from your previous institution) should be attached to this form. We shall need the originals of the above copies at registration.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Attach copies of your academic documents (For multiple files, archive into one single zip/tar file before uploading: Max file upload size is 2MB)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach a valid National ID or Passport (Max file upload size is 2MB)
Credit Transfer

The courses you have studied can be considered for credit transfer if they are equivalent to the courses you are required to take at UTAMU. Would you like the above qualification to be considered for credit transfer for your application? Please note that the credit transfer application process applies after admission.

Credit Transfer
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?

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Personal Details
Do you have a disability?
Date of Birth

Alternative Contact Details

Category of Application

I am applying with: (Tick all that apply)

Category of Application
Choice of Degree Programme
Preferred Mode of study
Have you previously been enrolled at UTAMU?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Attach copies of your academic documents (For multiple files, archive into one single zip/tar file before uploading: Max file upload size is 2MB)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach a valid National ID or Passport (Max file upload size is 2MB)
Credit Transfer

The courses you have studied can be considered for credit transfer if they are equivalent to the courses you are required to take at UTAMU. Would you like the above qualification to be considered for credit transfer for your application? Please note that the credit transfer application process applies after admission.

Credit Transfer
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?

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Personal Details
Date of Birth
Preferred Mode of Study
Choice of Programme
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Attach copies of your academic documents (For multiple files, archive into one single zip/tar file before uploading: Max file upload size is 2MB)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach a valid National ID or Passport (Max file upload size is 2MB)
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
Payment Instructions
Account Name Account No. Bank Branch Swift Code Currency
Universal Technology And Management University 3100058216 Centenary Bank Mapeera House CERBUGKA UGX
9030024323152 Stanbic Bank Garden City, Kampala SBICUGKX UGX
9030024323306 Stanbic Bank Garden City SBICUGKX  USD

Deliver your completed application form to either Kungu or Bugolobi campus or email to

Short Courses Policies

Tuition Fees

  1. Tuition fees for the applicants with forged academic documents shall not be refunded.
  2. All payments MUST be completed in one or installments of which the first installment must be at least (50%) of the tuition fees.
  3. A student who cannot continue with his/her studies due to financial /social hardship shall request for withdrawal from the course in writing and address the letter to the manager Centre in such a case, the student can either postpone the enrollment date or seek to transfer his /her tuition to another candidate.

NOTE: There is no refund of the tuition for the short courses.

Access to Facilities

  1. Every student shall possess a lab pass with which to access the university facilities.
  2. A student shall pay five thousand shillings (5000/=) to get a lab pass, within the week of the course commencement at the administrator’s office.


  1. Candidate MUST attend at least 80% of the course instruction to qualify to sit end of course assessments.
  2. The candidate is required to sit and pass the end of course assessments with minimal of 65% to qualify for the certificate.
  3. Candidate who fails the assessment must re-sit within the duration of their course.

Download and send your application forms to

UTAMU Graduate Application Form113.53 KB
UTAMU Undergraduate Application Form107.05 KB
UTAMU Short Course Application Form823.75 KB

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Personal Details
Do you have a disability?
Date of Birth
Alternative Contact Details
Choice of Programme
Have you previously been enrolled at UTAMU?
Preferred Mode of Study
Education Background
Academic Documents

NOTE: Certified copies of academic transcript, copies of both ‘0’ level and ‘A’ level result slips/Certificates, valid identification (driving permit, passport, current employer ID card or ID card from your previous institution) should be attached to this form. We shall need the originals of the above copies at registration.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Attach copies of your academic documents (For multiple files, archive into one single zip/tar file before uploading: Max file upload size is 2MB)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach a valid National ID or Passport (Max file upload size is 2MB)
Credit Transfer

The courses you have studied can be considered for credit transfer if they are equivalent to the courses you are required to take at UTAMU. Would you like the above qualification to be considered for credit transfer for your application? Please note that the credit transfer application process applies after admission.

Credit Transfer
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?

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Personal Details
Do you have a disability?
Date of Birth

Alternative Contact Details

Category of Application

I am applying with: (Tick all that apply)

Category of Application
Choice of Degree Programme
Preferred Mode of study
Have you previously been enrolled at UTAMU?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Attach copies of your academic documents (For multiple files, archive into one single zip/tar file before uploading: Max file upload size is 2MB)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach a valid National ID or Passport (Max file upload size is 2MB)
Credit Transfer

The courses you have studied can be considered for credit transfer if they are equivalent to the courses you are required to take at UTAMU. Would you like the above qualification to be considered for credit transfer for your application? Please note that the credit transfer application process applies after admission.

Credit Transfer
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?
How Did You Get to Know UTAMU?

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Please fill in the information below and download the application forms.