Bachelor of Science in Economics

The Bachelor of Science in Economics programme is designed for students who want to pursue a career as Economists in academia, industry, finance or government. It equips students with analytical skills to tackle the complexities of the modern world through economic analysis, modeling, monitoring and planning for both public and private organizations. They will also deal with logical analysis of social and individual decision making. Career options to graduates include; Accountants, Tax Advisers, Actuarial Work, Insurance and Trading, etc. Entry options include; UACE, relevant diploma or Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certificate from a recognized institution with at least one principal pass in Economics and two subsidiary passes at the same sitting in UACE and at least one subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE.

Career Options

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Economics are expected to work as:

  • Institutional Planner
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Officers
  • Economic Modelers
  • Micro and Macro Economists
  • Project Planners/Managers
  • Economic Policy Researchers

They can work in public, private or non-governmental organizations. Their designations can as well be varied depending on the unique needs of the organization.

Programme Objectives

The objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Economics degree program are to produce a unique breed of economists for Uganda and the East African region as a whole. The program intends to produce graduates who will be able to:

  • Perform Macro and Micro Economic Analysis
  • Perform Economic Modeling and Analysis
  • Perform Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Perform Institutional Planning
Admission Requirements

Students will be admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Economics degree program through three avenues:  Direct Entry, Mature Entry and Diploma Entry.

Direct Entry Scheme

Candidates seeking admission through the direct entry shall require the following:-

  • At least two principal passes at the same sitting in Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) of which one must be in Economics or entrepreneurship.
  • The candidate must have at least a subsidiary pass in principal Mathematics in UACE.

Mature Age Scheme

For admission under mature age, a candidate must have passed the university mature age entry examinations. To sit for university mature age, the candidate must have age of at least 25 years and must have completed UCE. Must have a Uganda certificate of Education.

Diploma Holders' Scheme

  • Applicants should possess at least a second class (lower division) Diploma in Science, Business Administration, Information Technology, Engineering, Statistics or related field from a recognized institution.
  • At least a principal pass in Economics or entrepreneurship or mathematics and two subsidiary passes in UACE at the same sitting.
  • At least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE.
Program Duration

The program will extend over a period of three academic years. An academic year shall consist of two semesters and one recess term. A semester shall consist of 15 weeks of lectures. A recess term shall consist of 10 weeks.

Program Options
Year 1 Semester 1 (6 Cores)
BEC 1100Microeconomics I30-30453
CSC 1200Structured Programming303030604
CSC 1101Computer Applications & Systems3030-453
BBA 1101Organizational Theory & Management30-30453
BBA 1106Communication skills30-30453
MMT 1103Statistical Methods in Economics30-60604
Semester Load20
Year 1 Semester 2 (6 Cores)
MMT 1106Calculus30-30453
MMT 1203Linear Algebra30-30453
MMT 2200Statistical Inference30-30453
BEC 1203Rural Economics30-30453
BEC 1202Macroeconomics I30-30453
BDE 1201Principles of Development Economics30-30453
Semester Load18
Year 1 Recess Term
COE 1300Community Engagement I-150-755
Semester Load5
Year 2 Semester 1 (6 Cores)
BBA 2108Entrepreneurship Theory & Principles30-30453
BEC 2100Micro Economics II30-30453
BEC 2101Macro Economics II30-30453
BEC 2102Econometrics45-30604
MMT 2101Differential Equations45-30604
BEC 2103Monetary Economics30-30453
Semester Load20
Year 2 Semester 2 (6 Cores)
RMS 2201Research Methods30-30453
BBA 2206Public Finance & Fiscal Policy30-30453
BEC 2205Economic Planning & Policy30-30453
CIS 1201Management Information Systems30-30453
HME 2103Monitoring & Evaluation30-30453
BEC 2206Economic Modeling4530 604
Semester Load19
Year 2 Recess Term
COE 2300Community Engagement II-150-755
Recess Term Load5
Year 3 Semester 1 (3 Cores)
MMT 3100Stochastic Processes45-30604
BEC 3109Industrial Economics30-30453
BBA 3103Corporate Finance45-30604
(2 Electives)     
BEC 3107Economic Policy Analysis45--453
BEC 3100Public Sector Economics30-30453
BEC 3108Environmental Economics30-30453
Semester Load17
Year 3 Semester 2 (3 Cores)
RPR 2201Project-120-604
HPP 2102Project Planning & Management30-30453
BBA 2103Financial Management30-30453
(2 Electives)     
BEC 2201International Economics30-30453
BEC 3200The Uganda Economy45--453
BEC 3213Managerial Economics30-30453
Semester Load16
Year 3 Recess Term
COE 3300Community Engagement III-150-755
Recess Term Load5

Minimum Graduation Load = 119

Fees per semester

Local Students (East African Community)

Fees per semester (UGX)Functional Fees (UGX)Application Fees (UGX)

International Students

International students pay international student tuition fees which is rated in dollars and this specifically covers only the cost of teaching and many student support services. This tuition below is per academic session and includes both the tuition and functional fees.

Category of ProgrammeFees per academic session (USD)Application / Admission Fee
Bachelor’s Degree$700$30
Undergraduate Diploma$500$30
Undergraduate Certificate$250$30
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