A global hub for information, research and learning.
Facilitate education, research and innovation critical to economic and human development.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday (9:00 am – 4:30 pm) | Public Holidays - Closed
- Facilitate teaching, learning and cutting-edge research.
- Serve the university community and beyond.
- Provide a warm inviting environment for learning and research. The university library purposes to be a place where everyone feels comfortable and welcome regardless of who they are. It is a learning space for everyone.
- Promote quality higher education as a tool for poverty eradication and sustainable development.
- Avail cutting edge information tools for research and learning. The library is to provide information services on 24/7-hour basis.
- The library is to guide and participate in archiving and preservation of university information resources.
- Train its users in information literacy as a mechanism for upholding efficiency in its services and promote lifelong learning.