Byarugaba Benjamin
Benjamin Byarugaba is a lecturer in the business school at UTAMU, a Freelance Consultant, and practicing Entrepreneur. Double trained in Community Development and Business Management, Benjamin has developed a holistic entrepreneurial mindset. His research and academic interests are majorly focused on entrepreneurship development. In addition however, Byarugaba is a medium Scale contract out grower sugarcane farmer at a local sugar factory for Kinyara Sugar Limited in Masindi, Uganda.
Currently he is retained as Program Technical Advisor at Child Rights Empowerment and Development Organization (CEDO Uganda), but also, serves as a lecturer at Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU). Previously, he has accumulated work experience spanning more than 20 years of dedicated service to different private sector institutions including Universities, Business Development Associations and in varying capacities, including the implementation of randomized control trials and coordinating entrepreneurship training programs. He possess a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA), a Bachelor’s in Microfinance and Community Development, and a second Bachelor’s in Social Work and Social Administration. Benjamin also, has two Diplomas; one in Project Planning and Management, and another in Finance Management. Besides, Benjamin has published with different internationally peer reviewed academic Journals and also traveled widely.
- Byarugaba B., Basheka B.C. & Moyo T. (Upcoming) Entrepreneurial Alertness and Emergence of New Ventures: Evidence from Uganda, Journal of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Byarugaba B., Basheka B.C. & Moyo T. (Upcoming) Entrepreneurial Alertness and New Venture Emergence: Does Need for Achievement Play a Mediation Role, International Journal of Technology and Management.
- Byarugaba B., Basheka B.C. & Moyo T. (Upcoming) Information Asymmetry and Emergence of New Ventures: Evidence from Uganda, Journal of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Byarugaba B. (2016). The Role of Virtual Business Incubation Services in Enterprise Development: A critical Analysis of International Best Practices, International Journal of Technology and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1- 14.
- Byarugaba B., Basheka B.C. & Moyo T. (2015). Using Kirznerian perspective of entrepreneurial opportunities to predict emergence of new ventures: A preliminary literature review, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 247-259.
Email: bbyarugaba@utamu.ac.ug