Dr. Theresa Moyo

Dr. Theresa Moyo

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Prof. Theresa Moyo holds a Bsc Hons (Economics) and M Phil (Economics) degrees from University of Zimbabwe and MA (Economics) and PhD (Economics) degrees from University of Dalhousie in Canada. She is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department in the Master of Development (MDEV) Programme at the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL), University of Limpopo. She has been with the department since 2004. She lectures in Research Methodology and Development Theory and Practice. In the past, she has also taught Regional and Local Economic Development. Prior to her appointment with University of Limpopo, Dr Moyo was a Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, Economics Department for 10 years, where she taught a number of courses at both undergraduate as well as post graduate level. On the Collaborative Master of Economics Programme, she lectured in Microeconomic Theory and Monetary Economics.

Prof. Moyo has supervised over 40 Master of Development students over the last 8 years. She is also an avid researcher, with publications which include an edited book on Trade and Industrial Development in Africa: Rethinking Strategy and Policy. She has also published a number of journal articles. Her research interests are in the following areas: African Development with a focus on structural transformation; Local Economic Development, Development Finance Institutions and Development, Local Economic Development, Gender and Development; Trade and Industry Policy. Dr Moyo also has extensive consulting experience with international agencies on issues of economic policy research and analysis and gender and economic policy management.

  1. An assessment of state gold mining enterprise in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A case study of Kilo-Moto by MT. Lukamba North-West University. African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 6 No. 2. June 2013 (IBSS accredited).
  2. Disaster Risk Reduction Policy for Sustainable Development in the Southern Africa Development Community: A Policy Perspective By Shikha Vyas- Doorgapersad and Lukamba-Muhiya Tshombe North-West University Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 47 No. 4. December 2012 (ISSN).
  3. The status of political participation of women in the DRC (1960-2010) – A critical historical reflection By S.V. Doorgapersad & Tshombe M Lukamba North-West University Journal of New Contree No. 62. A Journal of Historical and Human Sciences for Southern Africa. Page 91-110. November 2011 (ISSN).
  4. La Politique de Gestion des Logements Ouvriers en République Démocratique du Congo: Le cas de la cite Gécamines-Exploitation de Lubumbashi. By MT. Lukamba North-West University TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol. 7(2) page 1-24, December 2011 (ISSN).
  5. Natural Disaster in African Countries what can we learn about them? By Lukamba-Muhiya. Tshombe North-West University TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 478-495, December 2010 (ISSN).
  6. Lukamba-Muhiya. Tshombe, IW Ferreira and E Uken. Mechanism to Prevent Corruption and to promote Good Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Business and Management Dynamics. Journal of the Faculty of Business. Vol. 2, Issue 2. Page 111-120. June 2008.
  7. Lukamba-Muhiya Tshombe, IW Ferreira and E Uken. NEPAD vision and the INGA hydro-electric scheme. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa. Vol. 18 No. 3. Page 19-25. November 2007.
  8. Lukamba-Muhiya Tshombe. The role of Build Operate Transfer in the Southern African Power Pool Energy Management News. Vol. 13, No. 3. Page 2. September 2007.
  9. Lukamba Muhiya. T and E Uken. The electricity supply industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa. Vol. 17, No. 3. Page 21-28. August 2006.
  10. Lukamba-Muhiya and O.R. Davidson. Dissemination of Solar Water Heaters in South Africa Policy Perspective. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa. Vol. 14, No. 3. Page 99-105.  August 2003.
  11. Harald Winkler and Lukamba-Muhiya. Data Gathering process for Road-Testing Practical Base-line Recommendations for greenhouse Gas Mitigations Project in the Electric Power Sector of South Africa. Published by International Energy Agency (IEA) June 2002.
  12. Lukamba Muhiya. Tshombe and E Uken. Energy Use in the Rural Democratic Republic of Congo. Paper presented in Southern Africa Power Industry Convention and Eastern Africa Power Industry Convention. September 2005 in MAPUTO. 
  13. Dr. Dave Root and JM Lukamba-Muhiya. The Range and depth of research activity within the South African built environmental management disciplines: A survey of published research output (1992-2004). A report commissioned by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) South Africa.  Department of Construction Economics and Management.  November 2005, University of Cape Town.

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