Dr. Wilfred Kokas Aupal

Dr. Wilfred Kokas Aupal

Principal, Bugolobi Campus

Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Business School

Dr. Wilfred Kokas Aupal is the Principal, Bugolobi Campus. He has over 20 years of progressive professional experience in the fields of Finance, Business and Projects Management, Audit and Compliance, Grants Management and General Office Administration. He has a passion for delivery of quality public services. He has extensive work experience with USAID projects majorly in the fields of Grants Management, Finance, Administration, Audit and Compliance, work plan design and implementation as well as capacity building for NGO staff and public civil servants through coaching and participatory learning. Aupal has provided technical assistance in developing and implementing financial and administrative procedures, organizational work plans, strategic plans and budgets as well as monitoring and evaluation to Government, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organization (CSO), Faith Based Organizations (FBO’s). 

Aupal has conducted consultancies for both Government and Non-government organisations in Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic planning, Team building, Trainings in proposal writing for funding. He has been a team member in assignments such as establishment of Grants Management Unit for Kampala International University. He has experience in research majoring in both quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as using SPSS and Atlas Ti.8 for quantitative and qualitative data analysis respectively.

In addition, Aupal has participated in the design and delivery of finance and administration related trainings. He is currently a Teaching Consultant at Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU). He has supervised over 40 Postgraduate (masters) students to completion. He holds UDBS, B.CoM Accounting (2nd class upper), MBA (Accounting and Finance), PGD (Project Planning and Management), MSc (Project Planning and Management) and PhD (Management - Thesis Title: Change management practices and performance of selected local governments in Eastern Uganda). He has also published several journal articles in peer reviewed journals and he is a Journal Article Reviewer in five International Journals.

  1. Aupal W. K., Picho O. E., Ngaka W., & Oleja C. (2020). Employees involvement as agent of change management and performance of local governments in eastern Uganda: an empirical study. International Journal of Technology and Management, 5(2), 1-20.
  2. Hakizimana D., & Aupal W. K. (2020). An Assessment of Cultural Factors and Adoption of New Green Gram Varieties by Famers in Soroti District. International Journal of Technology and Management5(2), 1-14.
  3. Aupal K. W. (2017). Does Effective Communication Improve Performance of Public Sector? Perspectives from Selected Local Governments in Eastern Uganda. Triple A Research Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2(2) 060-066.
  4. Aupal K. W. (2017). Executive support and performance of selected local governments in Eastern Uganda. International Journal of Technology and Management. 2(2), 1-17.
  5. Aupal K. W. & Gunasekare T. (2017). Firm and Borrower Characteristics for Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Evidence from Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Uganda. Journal of Business Management and Economics 5(12), 24-27. 
  6. Aupal K. W. & Oleja C. (2017). Adoption of ICTs for Service Delivery Improvement by Local Governments in Uganda: Communication Tools. Global Journal of Management and Business Research (GJMBR), 17(2), 63-70.
  7. Aupal W. K. & Ngaka W. (2017). Understanding Governance, ICT and Organisational Sustainability: Perspectives from Donor funded Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in UgandaInternational Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 9(1), 39-54. 
  8. Hakizimana D., & Aupal W. K. (2020). An Assessment of Cultural Factors and Adoption of New Green Gram Varieties by Famers in Soroti District. International Journal of Technology and Management5(2), 1-14.
  9. Olico-Okui, Wabwire-Mangen, F., Ssali S., Rutebemberwa E., Ekirapa E., Sera D., & Aupal K. W. (2006). Understanding the impact of decentralisation on reproductive health services in Africa. Uganda Country Study Report: Makerere University, Institute of Public Health.
  10. Aupal K. W. (2006). Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) loans and the performance of selected Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) in Kumi and Soroti Districts. A dissertation submitted to Makerere University for the award of Masters of Business Administration degree of Makerere University. Makerere University Printing Press.
  11. Aupal K. W. (2002). The Impact of MFIs Loans on Poverty Eradication in Uganda: A case of UWESO Kumi Branch. As partial fulfillment for the award of B.Com degree of Makerere University. Makerere University Printing Press.
  12. Behavioral Malware Detection by Data Mining. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.