Prof. Godwill Makombe
Adjunct Associate Professor
Prof. Godswill Makombe is an adjunct associate professor in the business school.
- Namara Regassa E, Makombe Godswill, Hagos Fitsum, Awulachew Seleshi B., (2012). Rural Poverty and Inequality in Ethiopia: Does Access to Small-Scale Irrigation Make a Difference?. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Accepted, In Print.
- Hagos Fitsum, Makombe Godswill, Namara Regassa E., Awulachew Seleshi Bekele. 2010. Importance of irrigated agriculture to the Ethiopian economy: Capturing the direct net benefits of irrigation. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. 32 (1): 5-55.
- Hagos Fitsum, Makombe Godswill, Namara Regassa E., Awulachew Seleshi Bekele. 2009. importance of irrigated agriculture to the Ethiopian economy: Capturing the direct net benefits of irrigation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 40p. (IWMI Research Report 128) doi: 10.3910/2009.133
- Makombe Godswill, Kelemework D., Aredo D., 2007. A comparative analysis of rainfed and irrigated agricultural production in Ethiopia. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 21, 35-44.
- Makombe Godswill, and R. K. Sampath (2003). A Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Socioeconomic variables on the Financial Performance of Smallholder Irrigation Systems in Zimbabwe. International Water Resources Association, Water International. 28(4): 416-421.
- Makombe Godswill, S. P. Davies and R. K. Sampath. An Evaluation of Bani (dambo) Systems as a Smallholder Irrigation Development Strategy in Zimbabwe. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49 (2001): 203-216.
- Sampath R. K. and Makombe Godswill. 1999. An economic Analysis of Small Holder Irrigated Farms in Zimbabwe. International Water Resources Association. Water International 24(1): 59-64.
- Makombe Godswill, Makadho J. M. and Sampath R. K. An Analysis of the Water Management Performance of Small Holder Irrigation Schemes in Zimbabwe. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Systems 12: 252-263, 1998.
- Makombe Godswill and R. K. Sampath. An Economic Evaluation of Smallholder Irrigation Systems in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Water Resources Development 14(1): 77-90.
- Makombe Godswill and Sampath R. K. 1998. A benefit cost analysis of smallholder irrigated farms in Zimbabwe. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage System 13: 1-12, 1999.
- Awulachew S. B., D. J. Merry, A.B. Kamara, B. Van Koppen, F. Penning de Vries, E. Boelee, Makombe Godswill. (2005). Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: V 86p. (Working paper 98).
- Rukuni M., M. Svendsen, R. Meinzen-Dick with Makombe Godswill eds. Irrigation Performance in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of two workshops held in Harare and Juliasdale, Zimbabwe, 3-6 August, 1993. UZ/AGRITEX/IFPRI Irrigation Performance in Zimbabwe Research Project. Faculty of Agriculture. University of Zimbabwe.
- Mataruka D. F., Makombe Godswill, Makore J., Whingwiri E.E. 1988. Comparative performance of four grain cereals: maize, sorghum, pearlmillet and fingermillet grown under similar environmental conditions. Paper presented at the Inaugural Symposium on Science and Technology, Holiday Inn, Harare, 4-6 January, 1988.
- Sithole S. and Makombe Godswill. 1988. Economic analysis for the application of Diptrex 2.5 granules to control stem borers attacking sorghum in the communal areas of Zimbabwe. Paper presented at fifth annual regional conference workshop held by SADCC/ICRISAT Sorghum -millet Improvement Programme, 20-24 September, 1988, Maseru, Lesotho.
- Makombe Godswill and Avilla M. Technology generation and inter and intra household organization in the Communal areas of Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Intra-Household Issues Networkshop Sponsored by C.I.M.M.Y.T., Lusaka, Zambia, 27- 30 April, 1987.
- Makombe Godswill, Bernsten R. H, and Rorbach D. D. 1987. The economics of groundnut production by communal farmers in Zimbabwe in Rukuni M. and Eicher C., eds, Food Security for Southern Africa., U.Z./M.S.U. Food Security Project, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, pp. 185-215.
- Whingwiri E.E. Natarajan M., Makombe Godswill, Low A., Cameron T. and Kunjeku P., 1987. The package for higher maize yields in the semi-arid zones (natural regions III and IV): Is it economic. Paper presented at the workshop on Cropping in the Semi-Arid Areas of Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, 24-28 August, 1987, sponsored by GTZ organized by DR&SS and Arête.
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