Call for Papers for the 6th UTAMU ICTM Conference

The Organizing Committee of ICTM-20 cordially invites academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers to participate in the Annual International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM) to be held in Kampala.

This year’s conference is organized under the theme: “Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0/4IR) Advancement and Solutions: Trends, Issues, Best Practices, Benefits and Challenges for Management and Governance in Africa.”

The aim of this conference is to explore how technologies of 4IR could be applied to manage professions and livelihoods.

The conference will open with a colloquium of outstanding innovations and seminars, followed by two days of paper, panel and practitioner sessions addressing topics related to the theme. 4IR has the potential to improve livelihoods, although it could also exacerbate existing inequalities.

Keynote Speakers

The conference will include inspiring talks and participants will meet the best product people in Industry. The key note speakers include;

Prof. Charles Kwesiga – Executive Director of Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI). An Industrial Engineer by profession, Charles Kwesiga has significant experience as a corporate manager, management consultant, educator, and entrepreneur.

Prof. Judy van Biljon – Chairperson International Development Informatics Association. She is a professor of Information Systems and holds the South African Research Chair’s Initiative, Chair in Information and Communication for Development hosted by the School of Computing at the University of South Africa. Her disciplinary focus is on Human-Computer Interaction for Development.

Prof. Olubayi Olubayi – Chief Academic Officer at Maarifa Education. He is currently focused on the implementation of global best practices in higher education in Africa. Before joining Maarifa, he was the Vice Chancellor of the International University of East Africa (IUEA) in Uganda. He is a scientist and an expert on bacteria, education policy, pedagogy, learning, leadership, social-entrepreneurship and co-existence.

Prof. A. B. K. Kasozi – Founding Executive Director of Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).  He is a research associate at Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR). He holds a B.A. in History, a PGD from Makerere University, Uganda, and a PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He has taught at Makerere University, the Islamic University in Uganda, the University of Khartoum and a number of universities in Canada. In 2007, he got a Fulbright New Century award and was, from September to December, a visiting scholar/professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

About ICTM

The International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM) is an annual international conference that provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with different backgrounds and experiences, to present their papers in the conference and to discuss their experiences, new ideas, research results, as well as any practical challenges encountered and/or the solutions adopted during their work. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes.

Areas of Research

The papers should be original research and case studies in the fields of computing, technology and management, and on issues surrounding integration of Computing, Technology and Management in a multi-disciplinary context. Therefore, the conference series is of interest to academicians, researchers, policy makers, environmentalists, managers, planners, industrialists, consultants, government and NGOs globally, across a range of disciplines.

Students’ Participation

Conference committee highly encourages doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal, or literature review, or findings, or issues in this conference. Undergraduate students can ONLY attend academic conferences if (a) his/her research is funded by an organisation/institute, and/or (b) supervised by the member or faculty, and/or (c) co-authored by a Master’s student. Otherwise, undergraduate students can only attend a conference as a listener without presenting paper.


The overall objective of International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM) is to provide a platform and stimulate discussion on key issues in the fields of Technology and management, as well as to encourage research and discussion surrounding these areas.


  • The consequences of shortages of research and innovation, especially in the fields of technology and management is under publication and a vicious recycling of often unusable knowledge.
  • A priority to mitigate these problems is research to investigate and develop systems that lead to an improvement in technology and management.
  • The establishment of the conference series on Technology and Management shall stimulate an exchange of research findings and ideas that contribute to innovation and development to bring about better livelihoods.
  • Thus, the International Conference on Technology and Management proceedings aim at strengthening evidence based research and innovation, support and inform technology and management policy and practice, as well as improve learning in and across trans-disciplinary organizations and academic institutions.  The first (maiden) International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM14) was held from 4th to 5th August 2014 in Kampala, Uganda.