
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Broadly, the program was developed to offer a unique learning experience that blends theoretical, practical and industrial skills. The students are exposed to general computer science areas like networking, programming, database management, software development and algorithms. The learners are then equipped with advanced skills in multimedia technologies, computer security and mobile applications development. Graduates of this program are particularly exposed to skills that would help them innovate new products and compete favorably in the private and public sector.

The learning structure of this program is such that it blends face-to-face, online and experiential type of learning.  This improves their self-learning skills which are critical to the fast-changing ICT world. This program therefore seeks to develop high quality human resources that will be able to develop and manage software products necessary in the computerized economy.

Career Options

Graduates of this program can also be very useful as:

  1. Software Developers
  2. System Administrators
  3. Database Administrators
  4. Multimedia Developers (games, images, audio)
  5. Digital Security Officers
  6. Software Evaluators

They can work in any organization, including private, public and protected   organizations.  The graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program are also given strong theoretical knowledge that will enable them to work as researchers and innovators of future technologies.

Objectives of the Program

The objectives of the  Bachelor  of Science  in  Computer Science  degree  program   are  to  produce graduates who can:

Design, develop and evaluate software and computer-based systems.

  • Explain and demonstrate expertise in the common computing topics, with a special emphasis on image processing, security and mobile
  • Innovate and compete favorably in the private and public
  • Keep abreast of the current developments in the discipline through personal learning and teaching mechanisms

Program Learning Outcomes

The graduate of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science should be able to:

  • Design, develop and evaluate software and computer-based
  • Be conversant with skills in the common computing topics, with a special emphasis on image processing, security and mobile
  • Communicate effectively and compete favorably in the private and public
  • Keep abreast  of the current developments   in the discipline through personal learning and teaching mec
Admission Requirements

Students will be admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree program through three avenues: Direct EntryMature Entry and Diploma Entry Schemes.

Programme NameBachelor of Science in Computer Science
Programme Duration3 Years
Admission Criteria

Direct Entry

  1. At least two principal passes at same sitting in UACE or its equivalent
  2. At least one subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE or its equivalent
  3. At least 5 passes in UCE or its equivalent

Diploma Entry

  1. At least 5 passes in UCE or its equivalent
  2. At least 2nd Class (Lower division) diploma in Computer Science, IT, Information Systems, Engineering, Statistics or related field from any recognized institution
  3. At least one principal pass and two subsidiaries passes at the same sitting in UACE or its equivalent
  4. At least one subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE or its equivalent


  1. At least 5 passes in UCE or its equivalent
  2. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) from a recognized institution
  3. At least one principal and two subsidiary passes at same sitting in UACE or its equivalent
  4. At least one subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE or its equivalent

Mature age

  1. Mature age Certificate
  2. **At least one subsidiary pass in Mathematics in UACE
ModeDual Mode (online and Local Support)
Fee Per SemesterUganda Shillings 1,200,000
Program Duration

The program will extend over a period of three academic years. An academic year shall consist of two semesters and one recess term. A semester shall consist of 15 weeks of lectures. A recess term shall consist of 10 weeks.

Program Options
Year 1 Semester 1 (6 Cores)
CS 101Computer Applications & Systems3030-453
IT 100Internet Technology & Website Design3060-604
BA 101Principles of Management30-30453
BA 104Business Communication3030-453 
MT 101Discrete Mathematics30-30453
Semester Load16
Year 1 Semester 2 (5 cores)
CS 107Principles of Programming3060-604
CS 102Computer Architecture30-30453
IS 201Management Information Systems30-30453
BA 108Entrepreneurship theory and principles30-30453
MT 111Operations Research30-60604
Semester Load17
Year 1 Recess Term
TM 100Community Engagement I-300-755
Recess Term Load  5
Year 2 Semester 1 (6 cores)
BA 107Principles of Marketing30-30453
CS 202Data Structures & Algorithms30-30453
CS 203Artificial Intelligence30-30453
CS 201Operating Systems45-30604
NW 200Computer Networks & Data Communications451515604
IS 300Database Management Systems451515604
Semester Load21
Year 2 Semester 2 (6 cores)
CS 214Practicum: Data Science1560-453
CS 204Systems Programming4530-604
CS 205Cryptology & Coding Theory4530-604
IS 200Systems Analysis & Design30-30453
TM 201Research Methods30-30453
IT 206Multimedia Applications45----453
Semester Load21
Year 2: Recess Term
TM 200Community Engagement II-300-755
Recess Term Load5
Year 3 Semester 1 (6 cores)
IT 303Practicum: Multimedia Application Development1560-453
NW 201Mobile Applications Programming3030-453
CS 304Computer systems Security45--453
SE 309Software construction30-30453
IT 203Systems Administration303030604
IS 301Data Warehousing3030-453
Semester Load16/17
Year 3 Semester 2 (4 cores)
CF 302Computer Forensics3030-453
PP 305Project Planning & Management3030-453
IT 201Legal & Professional Issues in Computing30-30453
TM 301Project-120-604
Semester Load16/17
Year 3 Recess Term
TM 300Community Engagement III-300-755
Recess Term Load5
Fees per semester

Local Students (East African Community)

Fees per semester (UGX)Functional Fees (UGX)Application Fees (UGX)

International Students

International students pay international student tuition fees which is rated in dollars and this specifically covers only the cost of teaching and many student support services. This tuition below is per academic session and includes both the tuition and functional fees.

Category of ProgrammeFees per academic session (USD)Application / Admission Fee
Bachelor’s Degree$700$30
Undergraduate Diploma$500$30
Undergraduate Certificate$250$30
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