Mary Kisakye
Principal Human Resource and Administrative Officer
The University management shall be responsible for the day to day management of the University. The business from management shall be considered by the University Council and the University Senate through the respective committees.
Functions of University Management
- Advise the Vice Chancellor on the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University;
- Initiate policy proposals for consideration by Senate and its committees and or council and its committees;
- Initiate and/ or generate business for both Senate and Council Committees;
- Keep the University organs updated on the affairs of the University;
- Submit quarterly reports on university affairs to the University Council; and
- Implement University Senate, University Council and Board of Directors Decisions.
Membership of University Management
- The Vice Chancellor as Chairperson;
- The Deputy Vice Chancellor (s);
- Deans of Schools; and
- Directors of Directorates
- The Executive Secretary in the Office of The Vice Chancellor shall serve as Secretary of University Management.
Boards of Schools
- The Dean of the School who shall be the Chairperson;
- Heads of Departments in the School;
- One Senate representative;
- A Representative of the Director ICT and Library services;
- All Academic Staff of the School; and
- Two student representatives: one graduate and the other undergraduate.
- A Representative of the Academic Registrar/ Director for Academic Affairs as the Secretary.
Powers of School Boards
The Board of a School shall recommend for adoption by the Senate in relation to the School, proposals –
- regulating the attendance of students, the system of courses and lectures and the admission of students in the school;
- on the methodology and curricula to be followed taking into account the policy guidelines given by the University Council;
- regulating the procedure and dates of examinations; and
- relating to the promotion of teaching, research and writing of papers in the school.
Without loss of generality, the terms of reference for a school board shall include:
- Direct and regulate the instruction and teaching within a School and comply with the regulations of Uganda Technology and Management University in the examination of candidates for degrees and other awards;
- Conduct examinations for the conferment of degrees and award of diplomas, certificates and other awards of the school;
- Process and approve examinations results;
- Make recommendations for award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and any other awards;
- Make regulations governing the admission of persons to courses of study at the school that are preparatory for examinations for a degree, diploma, certificate or other award of Uganda Technology and Management University;
- Promote research and require reports from time to time on such research from principal investigators;
- Make recommendations to the University Senate on all regulations made subsequent to these regulations and on all rules and proposed changes in either regulations or rules of the school;
- Make recommendations to the Senate on the establishment, organization and functions of Departments, Centres, or any other units of the School;
- Establish committees of the School Board for the better functioning of the school; and
- Hold any additional powers as may be conferred by the University Council and Senate.
- The Board shall meet at least once every month for the discharge of its functions and a meeting shall be held on the request of the Dean of the School at a time and place determined by the Dean.
- A decision of the Board of a School on any matter shall be by a majority of the members present and voting and in the case of equality the person presiding shall have a second or casting vote.
- The Board may, with the approval of the Senate, determine its own procedure.
Boards of Departments
- Each School shall have Departments for the various courses of study covered by the school as the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the University Council may determine.
- Each Department shall have a Board consisting of the following members:
- The Head of Department who shall be the Chairperson;
- All Academic Staff of the department; and
- Two student representatives: one graduate and the other undergraduate.
- A Representative of the Academic Registrar/ Director for Academic Affairs as the Secretary
- The board of a department may, with the approval of the Board of the School determine its own procedure.
- Each department shall, subject to the direction of the Senate and the school ⎯
- deal with its own academic and administrative matters;
- propose study plans and academic decisions to the Dean for approval; and
- assign its members to particular curricula courses, lectures, seminars and workshops.