Mary Anne Asio Wins the 2022 UTAMU Guild Presidential Race

The UTAMU students body elected their new Guild President Ms. Mary Anne Asio following a competitive election campaign. She defeated her rival Mr. Lukaaga Fred Muwanguzi, with a margin of 13 votes. Mirroring the results by the Electoral Commission, students voted in favor of Mary Asio, with 103 total votes. Mr. Lukaaga Fred gathered a total of 90 Votes. The elections were held online on 5th November 2022.

As a democratic and student-led institution it is extremely for important for UTAMU that the student body choose who leads them. Prof. Tukamushaba, Vice Chancellor UTAMU, said: “The elections for the Students Guild representatives are an excellent opportunity for us to ensure that our students’ voices are heard so we can provide the best possible student experience to them.

Prof. Baryamureba, Chairperson UTAMU Board of Directors on his Twitter handle congratulated Ms. Mary Anne Asio. In his tweet he said that, “Students are key stakeholders at UTAMU whose views should be taken seriously by all University organs. So UTAMU community looks forward to your great leadership”.

Speaking to the newly elected Guild President, Ms. Asio said: “I’m pleased with the opportunity to represent the student body, so we can all work together to make a difference and create an excellent learning environment for all taking into consideration the best interest of the learners at the mighty UTAMU.”

The Guild represents all students at UTAMU and it helps to build connections between students and the University Management. It acts as a voice for the students on matters affecting them internally. According to Douglas MacArthur, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”