Prof. Betty Claire Mubangizi
Adjunct Professor
Professor Mubangizi, a full Professor of Public Administration and Governance and an NRF-rated researcher, previously served as the Dean and Head of School the School for the School of Management, IT and Governance and prior that was the Dean of Teaching and Learning in the College of Law and Management Studies as the Dean of Teaching and Learning. She also served as the Interim Dean of the School of Built Environment and Development Studies in the College of Humanities from 2015 to 2016.
Professor Mubangizi is the Managing Editor of the African Journal of Governance and
Development and Guest Editor of the Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Between June 2017 – June 2019 Prof Mubangizi was a member of the Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP)’s Scientific Committee based at Bergen University in Norway. The Scientific Committee serves as a think tank and support structure to advise CROP in setting a research agenda for knowledge generation and dissemination.
Professor Mubangizi has been teaching in a tertiary environment for 20 years, has a passion for excellence in teaching and learning underscored by reflective practice, as well as an understanding of the needs of students from various backgrounds. She is widely published and has successfully supervised many Doctoral and Masters Students and serves as external examiner for several universities.
As Research Chair in Sustainable Local Rural Livelihoods, Prof Mubangizi endeavours to understand and explain the opportunities and challenges in the implementation of rural policy while building research capacity of senior students in that regard.
- Mwesigwa D and Mubangizi B.C. 2019. The contributions of the youth livelihood programme to youth empowerment in Hoima district, Uganda. International Journal of Business Management Studies. Vol. 11 (1). 2019.
- Mubangizi B.C. and Mwesigwa D. 2018. Implementation of the Uganda Support for Municipal Infrastructural Development for a Smart Municipality: A Survey Of Hoima Municipality. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 32 (2). Pp. 65-86.
- Mubangizi B.C. & Mwesigwa D. 2017. Migration and Public Service Delivery: The Status Quo and Policy Responses in Sending and Receiving Countries in Magidimisha, H. H., Khalema N. E., Chipungu L., Chirimambowa T. C., & Chimedza T. L. (Eds.). (2017). Crisis, Identity and Migration in Post-Colonial Southern Africa. Springer. Pp. 53-73.
- Kampire P. and Mubangizi B.C. 2016. Gender Relations and Child Nutrition: A study of Intra-household Bargaining in Rural Uganda. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 30 (2). Pp. 213-228.
- Mchunu N. & Theron F. & Mubangizi B.C. 2016. Developmental local government and good governance at grassroots. In Theron, F and Mchunu N. (Eds). Development, Change Agent Facilitation at Grassroots. Van Schaick. Pp. 149-186.
- Mubangizi B.C. 2016. Development Management for Vision 2030 – exploring the implementation of the National Development Plan from grassroots. In Theron, F and Mchunu N. (Eds). Development, Change Agent Facilitation at Grassroots. Van Schaick. Pp. 187-207.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2013). Good Governance and Food Security in South Africa – Opportunities for Local Government. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 27 (2) Forthcoming.
- Basheka B.C. and Mubangizi B.C. (2013). Evoking the Citizens in Fighting Public Procurement Corruption in Uganda. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 27 (1), 57-80.
- Duma N. and Mubangizi B.C. (2013). Effectiveness of the Employee Performance Management and Development System: The Case of Kwazulu-Natal’s Department of Sports and Recreation. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 27 (1), 101-118.
- Mubangizi B.C. and O’Brien F. (2013). The experience of using the ‘newsflash approach’ to democratise teaching, learning and assessment at a South African university. South African Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 27 (1), pp. 184-195.
- Basheka B.C. and Mubangizi B.C. 2012. Citizen-driven approaches in fighting corruption: A comparative analysis of Uganda’s and South Africa’s local government systems. Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 47 (3), pp. 636-655.
- Nhlabathi Z.F. and Mubangizi B.C. (2012). The Kwanaloga Games of KwaZulu-Natal. A case study of intergovernmental relations and lessons for developmental local government. Administration Publica. Vol. 20 (3), pp. 55-70.
- Ile, IU and Mubangizi B.C. (2012). Advancing the role of citizen participation for good governance and sustainable livelihoods in selected African countries. The Uganda Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies. Vol. 4 (1), pp. 18-35.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2012). The Rural/Urban Dichotomy in South Africa’s Local Government: Implications for the Delivery of Social Services in Rural Areas. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 26 (1), pp. 25-38.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2011). Public Service Transformation: Implications for Poverty Reduction in South Africa. Politeia. Vol. 30 (3), pp. 74-90.
- Mubangizi B.C. & Theron Francois. (2011). Public Leadership for Citizen Value: Reflecting on Public Administration Teaching and Research. Administratio Publica. Vol. 19 (1), pp. 33–50.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2011). Incorporating Population Issues into Integrated Development Plans of Municipalities with Specific Reference to the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 46 (1), pp. 642-668.
- Mubangizi B.C. & Gray M. (2011). Putting the ‘Public’ Back into Public Service Delivery for Social Welfare in South Africa. International Journal of Social Welfare. Vol. 20 (2), pp. 212-219. DOI: 10.111/j.1468-2397.2010.00760.x.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2010). Participatory Service Delivery Processes with Respect to the Rural-Urban Divide of South Africa’s Municipalities. Administratio Publica. Vol. 18 (2), pp. 148-165.
- Mubangizi B.C. & Mubangizi J.C.(2010). Service Delivery for the Poor in South Africa: The Right of Access to Food and Water. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 24 (1), pp. 23-43.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2009). Poverty Alleviation and Service Delivery – Developing a Conceptual Framework for South Africa’s Service Delivery System. International NGO Journal. Vol. 4 (10), pp. 446-455 [Non SAPSE].
- Mubangizi B.C. (2009). “Community Development Workers in South Africa: The Work, the Workers & the Challenges.” Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 44(3), pp. 435-450.
- Gray M. and Mubangizi B.C. (2009). “Caught in the Vortex: Can Local Government Community Development Workers in South Africa Succeed?” Community Development Journal. Vol. 45 (2), pp. 186-197.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2008). “Utilising Available resources: A Community Development View to Make Local Government Work”, Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 43 (3.1), pp. 271-284.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2008). “Responses to Poverty in Post-apartheid South Africa: Some Reflections”, International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 17(1), pp. 174-181.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2007). “Efficient and Participatory Service Delivery for Community Development in South Africa: Exploring the Tensions”. Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 42 (1), pp. 4-17
- Mubangizi B.C. (2005). “Improving Public Service Delivery in the New South Africa: Some Reflections” Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 633-648
- Mubangizi J.C. & Mubangizi B.C. (2004). “Poverty, Human Rights and Socio-economic Realities in South Africa”. Development Southern Africa, Vol. 22(2), pp. 277-290.
- Mubangizi B.C. (2003). “Drawing on Social Capital for Community Economic Development: Insights from a South African Rural Village”. Community Development Journal, Vol. 38 (2), pp. 40-49.
- Holscher D. & Mubangizi B.C. (2007). “The Experience of Poverty in South Africa: Implications for Social Work & Community Development Practice” in Rehlaku C. & Lutz R. Sozialarbeit des Sudens, Paulo Freire Verlag. Pp. 129-144.
- Mubangizi B.C. & Theron Francois. (2011). Public Leadership in Local Government – What Role for South Africa’s Community Development Workers? In Bjorkman, J.W, R. van Eijbergen, G.D. Minderman& A.J.G.M. Bekke (Eds). 2011. Public Leadership and Citizen Value. The Winelands papers 2010. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. Pp. 123-134.
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