Prof. FM Lucky Mathebula
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Professor FM Lucky Mathebula holds a Doctor of Administration from University of Pretoria, Master of Public Administration from University of Pretoria, and a BA in Public Administration from Vista University. He is a member of several professional associations. His teaching and research interest areas include: public administration, change and transformation management, policy and political analysis, performance management, local government transformation, and corporate governance.
- Editor of Mulayotewa: Understanding the South African Constitution
- Editor of SAAPAM Journal of Public Administration from (1998-2002)
- Founder Co-Editor Journal of Local Government Management (2008)
- Co-author of SA IGR Reference Book
- Co-Author of SADC IGR Reference Book
- Co-Author; Intergovernmental Co-operation and Agreements- Publication used as part of the IGR Toolkit for South Africa
- Skills Audit Report for the SAPS’s President Priority Police Stations
- Skills Audit Report for the NPA
- Intergovernmental relations audit report for the Gauteng Provincial Government
- Intergovernmental relations Audit Report for the Tshwane Metropolitan Government
- Facilitated the 2010 APRM Second Country Accountability Report of South Africa
- Single Public Service Report for the ANC NEC Legislature and Governance Sub-Committee
- Facilitated more than 1500 strategic planning sessions for public sector entities
- City Press: Prisons are Universities of Crime
- IULA Issue Paper: IGR in South Africa
- Book Review in JOPA
- City Press: It’s time for parties to adopt spirit of co-operation
- The Thinker: The South African Train: A Metaphor
- The Thinker: The road to Mangaung
- ANC Today: Beyond the centenary celebrations a new ANC must emerge
- LitNet: Decoding the Boer in the Malema song
- LitNet: Understanding the Malema Phenomenon
- The African Executive: The Legacy of the ANC and electoral politics
- JOPA Vol. 46 No 1.1: South African Intergovernmental Relations, a defitional perspective
- JOPA Vol. 46 No. 4: The interactive and transactive nature of the South African intergovernmental relations practice; A local government perspective
- JOPA Vol. 47 No. 1: Hegemony and Public Administration Scholarship in South Africa
- Email: makoba@unr.edu
- Building: LHD
- Room: 214
- Mailstop: 0300