Prof. FM Lucky Mathebula

Prof. FM Lucky Mathebula

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor FM Lucky Mathebula holds a Doctor of Administration from University of Pretoria, Master of Public Administration from University of Pretoria, and a BA in Public Administration from Vista University. He is a member of several professional associations. His teaching and research interest areas include: public administration, change and transformation management, policy and political analysis, performance management, local government transformation, and corporate governance.


  1. Editor of Mulayotewa: Understanding the South African Constitution
  2. Editor of SAAPAM Journal of Public Administration from (1998-2002)
  3. Founder Co-Editor Journal of Local Government Management (2008)
  4. Co-author of SA IGR Reference Book
  5. Co-Author of SADC IGR Reference Book
  6. Co-Author; Intergovernmental Co-operation and Agreements- Publication used as part of the IGR Toolkit for South Africa


  1. Skills Audit Report for the SAPS’s President Priority Police Stations
  2. Skills Audit Report for the NPA
  3. Intergovernmental relations audit report for the Gauteng Provincial Government
  4. Intergovernmental relations Audit Report for the Tshwane Metropolitan Government
  5. Facilitated the 2010 APRM Second Country Accountability Report of South Africa
  6. Single Public Service Report for the ANC NEC Legislature and Governance Sub-Committee
  7. Facilitated more than 1500 strategic planning sessions for public sector entities


  1. City Press: Prisons are Universities of Crime
  2. IULA Issue Paper: IGR in South Africa
  3. Book Review in JOPA
  4. City Press: It’s time for parties to adopt spirit of co-operation
  5. The Thinker: The South African Train: A Metaphor
  6. The Thinker: The road to Mangaung
  7. ANC Today: Beyond the centenary celebrations a new ANC must emerge
  8. LitNet: Decoding the Boer in the Malema song
  9. LitNet: Understanding the Malema Phenomenon
  10. The African Executive: The Legacy of the ANC and electoral politics
  11. JOPA Vol. 46 No 1.1: South African Intergovernmental Relations, a defitional perspective
  12. JOPA Vol. 46 No. 4: The interactive and transactive nature of the South African intergovernmental relations practice; A local government perspective
  13. JOPA Vol. 47 No. 1: Hegemony and Public Administration Scholarship in South Africa