Nine years of service to the nation! 9 years of visible transformation of citizens through higher education services has been UTAMU’s journey. Today, we celebrate UTAMU’s 9th Happy Anniversary on the 11th day of March 2022. Congratulations UTAMU!
It would be hitting oneself in the foot if I didn’t state the tireless efforts of the founder and Chairperson of the Board of Directors at UTAMU, Professor Venansius Baryamureeba who has made immeasurable contributions and sacrifices to direct, guide and above all invest and sustain the investment of UTAMU in order to impact lives across communities, nations, regions and continents. He has made a brand for himself in academia and as sure as the sun rises he is always remembered as a very intelligent and practical educationist. As we celebrate UTAMU, we celebrate Professor Venansius Baryamureeba!
He has had many hats over the years with unmatched responsibilities in various capacities ( of Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Chairperson on various Boards among others but above all his tremendous and unwavering contribution to the higher education sector must be recognised in equal measure; Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba has taught over millions of alumni who have found great opportunities in great public and private institutions impacting lives just as theirs were impacted by him. The name Prof. Barya as he is often called is known in the offices of all institutions….he need not introduce himself because he has lived a life of purpose and impact worthy to remember…..unforgettable he indeed is!
His passion and selfless nature in academia continues to be recognised regionally and globally as well, especially in this 21st Century as the leaders of the world continue to address issues of equal opportunities for all global citizens. Education has been noted to be one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development (Global Sustainable Goal 4). Further to UTAMU serving to contribute towards the sustainable goals today, Professor Barya continues to direct and guide the university towards being a Research-Intensive University by 2027 with specific regard to “Technological Progress” as emphasised in Goal 9, UTAMU is teaching and training students to find lasting solutions to both economic and environmental challenges including; investing in scientific research and innovation thus driving the students towards meeting the fast growing demands of the digital world.
Having mentioned a few, many heroes have been celebrated over the years but today UTAMU celebrates an educationist hero…Professor Venansius Baryamureeba! Happy Anniversary to impacting lives!