Uganda Technology And Management University Welcomes Students of the May 2022 Intake

On the 10th of May 2022 the management and staff of Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) welcomed the students of the May 2022 intake to UTAMU. The students will be studying in the respective categories of Masters, Post Graduate Diplomas, Bachelors and Diplomas in the different disciplines of business studies, humanities and social sciences, computing and engineering and technical & vocational education.

The university was filled with an atmosphere of excitement as the staff welcomed the students to join the UTAMU fraternity. Likewise the students were excited and content to know that they are in the right university. At UTAMU, we promise what we preach and so does it come to pass through out the study experience of the students. 

The long distance students from all over the world including Canada, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Sudan and South Africa among other countries were exceptionally excited to learn that they will comfortably study online with the flexibilities of time, student-lecturer open channels of communication and above all the guarantee of a highly professional and considerate team with a student-centered approach.

It was a great experience as the students heard from all the Deans of Schools with a promise to direct their career paths to meet the needs of the contemporary job market through knowledge enhancement, skills improvement, and research-oriented development to drive critical and innovative thinking that will greatly impact on the world today.

The Deans of Schools presented with great excitement and energizing spirits as they aired expectations from their respective schools among whom included; Associate Professor Michael Okoche, Dr. JYB. Lubega, Mr. Allan Ninyesiga and Mr. Mersian Tulyahebwa. The event was climaxed with the concluding remarks from the Vice Chancellor Professor Eddy Kurobuza Tukamushaba who emphasized on; quality education, professionalism, creativity, integrity, transparency, empowerment, community engagement and above all trust and an open mind.