Leadership is accepting responsibility for the majority through joint efforts with leaders of like mind. On the 30th April 2022, Gulu University hosted Guild Presidents from various universities including Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU), Makerere University Business School, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda Christian University, Nkumba University, TEAMS University, The International University of East Africa and the Uganda National Students Association (UNSA) to deliberate on critical development issues affecting the education sector.
The Guild Presidents’ meeting was driven by the need to partner with respective government institutions in addressing students’ challenges across the education sector including; Government of Uganda’s proposal to scrap off the Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education which decisions will affect the performance of the higher education institutions. It is interesting to note that today unlike in the earlier years of the 1980s and 1990s, universities are more focused on raising guild leaders who are aware of the education challenges, are taking challenges voluntarily, assuming collective responsibility, forming constructive partnerships, believing in the dignity of human beings and the necessity for education for all. These are basic principles in today’s 21st century in which critical thinking and innovation are being advanced in; learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to transform oneself and the communities.
The meeting was a clear exhibit of education that is leading to empowerment. Today, education is enabling future leaders to acquire the capacity to make decisions and act effectively in accordance with those decisions, developing personal and social qualities; developing social conscience which is being aware of how society works and the knowledge of how it is structured. Thus opening dialogues between personal and collective and between rights and obligations.
Let us encourage all future leaders especially in this generation to be independent thinkers with an open mind in being part of the problem-solvers today and in the future!
At UTAMU, we stand “FOR AN OPEN MIND” and our leaders are encouraged to lead with confidence leaning on the fundamental principles of Integrity, empowerment, honesty, transparency and dignity!